EDIT: The Cruce Roosters Giveaway is now closed, and winners will be notified soon. Thanks again for entering, everybody!
Yes indeedio! We’re giving away Cruce Roosters! I have 3 copies that I’ll sign and give away to 3 lucky winners (1 each). Rumor has it Omnium Gatherum, the publisher of Cruce Roosters, will ALSO be giving away 3 signed copies to 3 OTHER lucky winners! When? How? I don’t know. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT!
To enter this giveaway, all you need to do is GO TO THIS PAGE and fill out a few boxes in the webform that lives there, and then you’ll be entered. That’s it. The giveaway signup runs through June 15, 2018. Then entries close, and 3 winners will be drawn from the people who have entered.
NOTE: Cruce Roosters is chock full of gore, profanity, drugs, adult situations, and product placement. If the sex, drugs and violence of Cruce Roosters isn’t your thing, I’d consider letting you opt for a copy of Keep Away From Psycho Joe.
So CLICK HERE and sign up for the Cruce Roosters Giveaway!
You: What’s that? $7.99? Brent, how can Omnium Gatherum sell them that cheap AND with FREE SHIPPING?
Me: The answer is simple. They don’t know I got the password to the printing account and changed the prices. They’re bound to catch on sooner or later, so get in on this sweet deal while the getting’s good!
And super thanks to the good folks who have entered already! You are awesome, as you know!