Horror Conclave: The Lodge
The year was 2023. The month was September. My pal Kate Jonez and I had been planning a thing for several months, and that thing
Mystery Potion Books
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Others, I have news! Signals have been quiet from this end, but I assure you I have been busy behind the scenes.
It’s a sad time. My little buddy JP has gone to await me in Valhalla. He was 17-1/2 years old, and he was a part
Jordan Etheredge – Voice Legend
Today I want to tell you about my pal Jordan Etheredge. In addition to being a kickass audiobook narrator, she is also a fantastic human
April Frozen Sky Puke
We got buried in snow the other day. 16 inches of wet, heavy nonsense fell over night. The morning of April 1st, 2023, I woke
Cabin Fever
It’s that time of year. Friggin’ winter won’t leave, and I just want to get a whole bunch of writing done before Spring. A couple
I imagine this post is more for me than anybody else, due in part to the fact that nobody reads these except the Google spiders.
The Sand Taker – Audio
I am thrilled to inform you that my short story “The Sand Taker” has been recorded in convenient audiobook format, and it is all kinds
Apex Predator
What’s up, Suckas! I did a painting last year called Apex Predator. The painting hangs at the Groundwork Grappling, the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy where

Let’s Go, Chums!
Has your hero (me) been pretty lazy for the past… really long time? MAYBE! What’s to be done about that? NOBODY KNOWS! If you’re me
StokerCon 2022
Hey! I know you’re the only one who reads these posts, so I’ll just direct this right at your face, specifically. I will be attending
Free Dark Fantasy Novel
Howdy, Chum! I just wanted to drop a reminder that my dark fantasy novel, Chuggie and the Desecration of Stagwater, is absolutely FREE for your
Destroy the Files – REVENGE!
Hi folks! I just wanted to drop a quick link for the latest episode of Destroy the Files, a podcast I do with my dear
Dr. Steel – Homecoming, Pt. 1 Lyrics
All my life it seems I’ve been too scared To chase my dreams or make them real No one understood or cared About the boyhood
Thanks, eBookDaily.com!
Sending up some super thanks to eBookDaily.com for helping get the word out about Chuggie and the Desecration of Stagwater! Give ’em a like and
FREE Chuggie!!
At long last, Chuggie and the Desecration of Stagwater is FREE… FOREVER! It took jumping through no small number of hoops and a long, thoughtful
DTF Episode 16: Fun With Lightning
Howdy! Just thought I’d chime in and let you know that Destroy the Files (a podcast I co-host with Kate Jonez) is running strong. We
The Eighth of June
Last year, my first ever collection of short stories was published. The collection is titled DOOMSDAY FURNACE. It features cover art by the one and
Destroy the Files! Episode 1!
Howdy, chums! There’s a brand new podcast you can listen to called Destroy the Files, of which I am a co-host. This podcast is not
Chug This at the Swag Shop
Remember how you wanted a bunch of Chuggie gear and other swag related to BMK books? No? Well, you did, and now it’s here! Go
Happy Halloween, Chums!
I hope you’re having an amazing Halloween. Boy, I sure am! Drank some coffee, had some beef sticks… pretty good day. AND IT CONTINUES! Things
Back to Chuggie
Getting back to Chuggie, I may or may not have to remind you that he stars in not one, not two, but THREE books, as
Doomsday Birthday Party
You’re invited! If you’re going to Stoker Con 2019 in Grand Rapids, be sure to add this to your Sched at THIS LINK.
Doomsday Furnace Release Date
Well, howdy, amigos! Let’s get right to it. My short story collection DOOMSDAY FURNACE has an official release date, and that official release date is
DF: Soon
Well, Cruce Roosters didn’t make the Final Ballot for the Bram Stoker Award. It was a longshot to begin with, as my category was packed
Preliminary Ballot
We’ve been here before, and hopefully we’ll be here again. In any case, my novella Cruce Roosters has made the Preliminary Ballot for the Bram
The Gift of BMK Books
Know what makes a great gift? Books by BMK! Oh, there’s something for everyone. For folks who like a chuckle with their spookiness, there’s Keep
A Chat With Sean Patrick Traver
Hey there, folks! Today I got to chat with fellow Omnium Gatherum author Sean Patrick Traver. He’s got a brand new book out TODAY, and
Gin Haze – Flash Fic from Eddie Generous
Welcome back to the ol’ webpage, chums! Today I am delighted to share a little flash fiction from my pal Eddie Generous. Eddie wears a
The First Star I Lose Tonight – Flash Fic From Jessica McHugh
Howdy again, chums! Today I am glad to present a flash fiction story by my inky cohort Jessica McHugh! The story is called “The
Dr. Strangebrew – Flash Fic From Ben Eads
Howdy, magnificent people! Today I have something super cool to share. It’s a piece of flash fiction by my pal Mr. Ben Eads, which I
Happy October!
Hello and howdy, chums! October is here at long last, so I thought to myself, “Hey, Brent, what’s your problem? Stop being lame and update
Cruce Roosters Logo
Greetings, friends! So there’s a project in the works that necessitates a Cruce Roosters logo. I got to sketching: That’s the sketch (out of literally*
Cruce Roosters Giveaway
EDIT: The Cruce Roosters Giveaway is now closed, and winners will be notified soon. Thanks again for entering, everybody! Yes indeedio! We’re giving away
Cover Art by Matt Wajek
Click the play button on that and listen while you read the rest of this post. I want to share some art with you good
Up in the Sky
So my boss, who is awesome, got a new drone for aerial photography. While I get to know the machine and get the settings how
A New Page For BMK
Hi, folks! So, if you’ve been to my website before, you may be noticing that it’s a little different right now. And a lot of