Hey! I know you’re the only one who reads these posts, so I’ll just direct this right at your face, specifically. I will be attending StokerCon 2022 in Denver in May. I’ll be celebrating my birthday on the sunny beaches of Colorado with my horror homies, sipping back on a thimble or two of birthday ale. I’m very excited to see many of my writing chums and, I suppose, to be seen by them. I have even purchased stickers to share. If YOU are going to StokerCon, I would love to hang out with you. By all means, let me know!
As far as writing goes, I actually HAVE been writing. Valheim is fun and all, but playing it doesn’t put a lot of words on the page. The project I’m working on is pretty bonkers. It’s a Halloween comedy-horror creature feature that starts crazy and just gets crazier. I feel like I’m getting back in the zone on this one. I’ll tell you all about it at StokerCon 2022! If you see me out there, don’t forget to ask for a sticker!
Here’s a picture of me playing Valheim. (That’s not troll balls, that’s my character. His hood and cloak are made from troll hide, so his head and shoulder kind of look like troll balls in this photo. The developers did not model balls for the trolls. Also, note the severed troll head in the background! Take THAT, monster!)