Happy Halloween, Chums!
I hope you're having an amazing Halloween. Boy, I sure am! Drank some coffee, had some beef sticks... pretty good day. AND IT CONTINUES! Things have been quiet over here,…
I hope you're having an amazing Halloween. Boy, I sure am! Drank some coffee, had some beef sticks... pretty good day. AND IT CONTINUES! Things have been quiet over here,…
Getting back to Chuggie, I may or may not have to remind you that he stars in not one, not two, but THREE books, as well as a couple short…
You're invited! If you're going to Stoker Con 2019 in Grand Rapids, be sure to add this to your Sched at THIS LINK.
Well, howdy, amigos! Let's get right to it. My short story collection DOOMSDAY FURNACE has an official release date, and that official release date is May 8. WOO! We're having…
Well, Cruce Roosters didn't make the Final Ballot for the Bram Stoker Award. It was a longshot to begin with, as my category was packed with heavy hitters. Congrats to…
We've been here before, and hopefully we'll be here again. In any case, my novella Cruce Roosters has made the Preliminary Ballot for the Bram Stoker Awards in the Long…
Know what makes a great gift? Books by BMK! Oh, there's something for everyone. For folks who like a chuckle with their spookiness, there's Keep Away From Psycho Joe. For…
Hey there, folks! Today I got to chat with fellow Omnium Gatherum author Sean Patrick Traver. He's got a brand new book out TODAY, and you should totally get it.…
Welcome back to the ol' webpage, chums! Today I am delighted to share a little flash fiction from my pal Eddie Generous. Eddie wears a lot of hats over at…
Howdy again, chums! Today I am glad to present a flash fiction story by my inky cohort Jessica McHugh! The story is called “The First Star I Lose Tonight,” and I think you’re gonna dig it. Give it a read, and then click Jessica’s links at the end. She’s got a ton of wild stuff for readers young and old that you should have on your shelf.
By Jessica McHugh
The Bellevue home is a monument to victory. Every surface boasts at least one trophy, frequently flanked by certificates of merit in gilded frames. With each burst of air conditioning, the ribbons decorating the wall flutter like tiny blue flags representing a country that refuses to tolerate failure.
As I survey the room, a poster declaring, “Second Place is the First Loser” makes me cringe, but Megan Bellevue beams when she catches me observing it.
“Nice, isn’t it?”
Knowing what I risk to lose by being disagreeable, I force a smile and nod.
“Sure is.”
“I made it myself,” she says as she dances her fingers over the frame. “Well, my daughter helped with the border.”
Inspecting the poster more closely, I spot a crooked pink border barely visible under the matting.
“It was a little messy, so I had to cover it,” she explains. “You know how it is with kids.”
I do know how it is with kids. I’ve spent enough time skidding around heaps of dirty clothes and toys in the dark to know most kids love the haphazard life. And fortunately for me, I love a challenge. (more…)